Builder’s Risk Insurance

Find out everything you need to know about coverage for your building project. Course of Construction insurance does not replace your contractors or general liability insurance.

Why? Because this coverage does not provide coverage against third-party claims. So, say you are sued for damages to someone else’s property. This is a job for liability insurance, not Builder’s Risk.

In addition, there is no protection for employee injuries. Your Workers Compensation is coverage for worker injury, disability or fatality.

So, what is this insurance for?

  1. Protect the building that you are constructing, remodelling or renovating.
  2. Get coverage for vandalism.
  3. Protect tools or building materials from theft or damage.

But this is not all there is to it. Find out more. Read the Builder’s Risk blog. 

October 28, 2021

Builders Risk Insurance vs. Course of Construction Insurance.

Builder’s Risk Insurance is just another name for Course of Construction Insurance. It’s things like this that explain why so many contractors are confused by insurance. What contractors across the US are certain of, however, is that theft of construction equipment is on the rise.
October 28, 2021

Does your Framing Contractor Business need Builder’s Risk Insurance?

How can you reduce your financial risk as a framing contractor? When you are fronting almost 18% of the overall building cost, you have a right to be nervous. Can Builder’s Risk Insurance take some of the stress off your business? Builder’s Risk Insurance is a policy that protects a contractor’s interests when working on building projects – whether buildings are being made or renovated. It is used by contractors to ensure that they’re covered in case of any loss in building materials or equipment – or even labor used and profits lost!
October 27, 2021

What Happens When There is a Construction Fire?

During the construction of a commercial building or a home, anything can happen. Buildings under construction can be vulnerable to a fire breaking out. There are many factors that can cause these fires, such as torches, soldering irons, welding machines, grinders, or heating elements. Fires often happen to a new build due to several of these things, but what’s the solution if a fire does happen?
October 4, 2021

How to get Builder’s Risk Insurance

Course of construction, more commonly known as a builder’s risk policy, is an insurance policy protecting the materials and equipment that will be permanently installed at a new construction or renovation. Should something happen on your job site, having this policy on hand is the best way to make sure that the general contractor, the business owner, the property owner, and any other invested parties are covered from losses. The business owner or client will often require builder’s risk as a safety precaution, so be sure to account for this insurance policy within your construction budget.
October 4, 2021

What is the difference between Builders Risk Insurance and Liability Insurance?

Business owners in construction must purchase several insurance policies to ensure that their business, and its clients, are protected from harm. As such, understanding the importance and distinctions between insurance policy types can be a game saver in the long run. In a general contractor‘s life, whether a small business owner or large, you will often find general liability insurance, builders risk insurance, property insurance, workers compensation, and more.
October 1, 2021

7 Pitfalls to Avoid When Purchasing Builder’s Risk Insurance

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Is Builder’s Risk Insurance For Property Damage Claims?

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August 3, 2020

Builders Risk Insurance Protection vs Contractors Liability

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July 6, 2020

The Ultimate Guide to the Builder’s Risk Insurance Policy

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July 1, 2020

10 Questions You Should Ask Your Agent About Course of Construction Insurance

Course of Construction Insurance is the way savvy contractors protect their profits. This policy is also known as Builder’s Risk Insurance precisely because it covers you […]
May 25, 2020

The Builder’s Risk Insurance Policy That Protects Your Profits

Did you know that theft of materials and equipment costs construction companies thousands of dollars and lowers their profits?  You may have heard of builder’s risk […]
April 22, 2020

Builder’s Risk Insurance vs Workers Compensation

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March 17, 2020

Contamination Cleanup For Contractors

Did you know that contamination cleanup for contractors is a significant part of the construction business? Several activities on a building site can cause pollution. However, some precautions can reduce this. As a general contractor, taking the right precautions to avoid pollution is a must. However, mistakes happen. In this article we will look at how to minimize pollution, and how your Builder’s Risk Insurance Policy will cover you in the event of unforeseen incidents.