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January 11, 20245 Things Clients Want To Know Before Hiring A Contractor

As a contractor, you are likely to be approached by clients who are interested in hiring you for a job. While it’s an exciting opportunity, it’s also a good idea to be prepared for the questions these prospects will ask you while getting to know you better. Most potential buyers usually research their options, compare prices, and check the company’s authenticity.

More often than not, they also try to haggle for a lower price. In order to provide accurate information and close the deal like a professional, we have compiled a list of the five most common questions that clients often ask contractors before deciding to work with them:

1. Do You Have Contractor Insurance?
This is one of the most important questions someone can ask before hiring a contractor. Most clients want to know that their contractor is protected in case of any accidents or damages that may occur during the project. Providing proof of insurance will give your potential client peace of mind, knowing that they are covered as well. The most basic contractor insurances are Worker’s Compensation, General Liability, and Builder’s Risk Insurance.

Worker’s Compensation will pay for the contractors’ medical expenses in case of an accident while at work. General Liability coverage guarantees protection for any damages done to the client’s property. Builder’s Risk Insurance protects against any damage or theft of materials during the construction process. Having any one of these types of insurance is usually required by law, but it is always best to have all three.
2. What Is Your Background and Experience In Construction?
Nobody wants their property to be a training ground for inexperienced contractors. So be sure to provide evidence of your past construction projects. If you have a portfolio, this is the time to show it off. If not, social media can be a great platform to showcase your work. Be prepared to talk about any relevant experience you may have in the field of construction.

For example, create a website where you can showcase your construction skill. Why? Because clients want to know that you are a credible contractor who comes with references. Additionally, it will boost your sales and market reach.
3. Do You Have Building Permits?
Depending on the type of project, some kind of permit may be required by law. Different neighborhoods have different building code requirements, so contractors should always obtain the necessary building permits before starting any work. If a general contractor is caught working without the proper documentation or licenses, they can be fined or even jailed. The client may also be held liable for any damages that occur as a result of the contractor’s negligence.

4. Will You Hire Sub-contractors On The Project?
A client wants to know who is going to be working on their project. If you plan on hiring any sub-contractors, be sure to let the client know in advance. You should also provide the client with a list of the sub-contractors you plan on hiring, as well as their qualifications. Remember to choose them carefully, as you will be the one responsible for their work.

5. Do You Provide An Itemized Bid?
Before you give your potential client a quote, they might ask you to put together an itemized list that outlines the cost of each job component. By providing it, you can show you are a professional contractor who is up-front about their pricing.

Clients value transparency, as they know you must make a profit, but they don’t want to feel like they are being cheated. This is one of the ways they feel that they have control over the cost, and will also give them confidence in hiring you for the job.
Close The Deal Like A Pro
Of course, there are lots of other questions that clients ask before hiring a contractor. These five are some of the most important, and if you have your answers ready, you will be able to sign the contract fairly quickly.
Now that you know what the clients’ main concerns are, it is important to think about them before dealing with a prospect. This will help you understand their wants and needs. And while you become the expert in your construction trade, we can help you with your insurance needs.
We’re here to talk you through the best insurance policies for your business and help you secure your next big deal. Call (877) 960-0221 to talk to our experts.
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