Top Builders Risk Insurance in Oregon: Protect Your Construction Project

Ensure Your Oregon Construction Projects Are Protected: Rely on for Tailored Builders Risk Insurance Solutions!

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Builders Risk Insurance for Oregon

Builders risk insurance in Oregon is essential for anyone undertaking a construction project. It protects your investment from damages like fire, theft, and severe weather during construction. This article will explain its coverage, importance, and how to get a policy in Oregon.

Offering property and liability coverage for buildings under construction is the main function of builders risk insurance. This includes protection for materials, fixtures, and equipment used in the construction or renovation of the building. Typically, general contractors purchase this insurance to safeguard their projects against potential losses.

Coverage of Builders Risk Insurance

The wide-ranging protection against potential damages offered by its comprehensive coverage is a defining feature of builders risk insurance. Most policies cover hard costs like materials, labor, and physical property losses from events such as severe weather, fire, vandalism, and theft. This means that if your construction site is hit by a storm or targeted by vandals, your insurance can help cover the cost of repairs and replacements.

A builders risk insurance policy provides coverage for:

Builders Risk Insurance Cost

The cost of builders risk insurance is influenced by several factors, including:


The type of project

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Construction type

Frame 3675

The total estimated value of the completed building or structure

This means that larger, more expensive projects will generally incur higher insurance costs.

The cost of insurance for a construction project is influenced by several factors, including:

Accurately valuing the project is vital as underreporting can lead to penalties under coinsurance clauses such as the 100% coinsurance clause. Builders risk policies are available in three-month, six-month, or 12-month plans, with possible extensions, providing flexibility depending on the project’s duration. However, it’s worth noting that a builder’s risk policy usually costs more than a standard property policy due to the higher risk of loss.

Common Exclusions in Builders Risk Policies

Despite the extensive coverage offered by builders risk insurance, policyholders ought to be aware of common exclusions. Damages resulting from faulty designs, planning, workmanship, and materials are typically not covered. These exclusions fall under professional liability, meaning that any construction defect issues must be addressed separately.

Subsidence or earth movement is another common exclusion in builders risk policies. This means that any damage caused by ground movement or settlement is not covered. Additionally, consequential damages, which refer to indirect losses resulting from a covered event, are often excluded. For example, if a fire causes a delay in project completion, the resulting financial losses may not be covered.

Benefits of Builders Risk Insurance for Contractors

Contractors reap numerous benefits from builders risk insurance, with its primary advantage being the protection it offers to construction projects from property damage caused by events like:

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Frame 1103-6

Natural disasters like hurricanes

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This protection ensures that any damages incurred during the construction process are covered, allowing contractors to proceed without significant financial setbacks.

Moreover, builders risk insurance can cover additional soft costs related to the covered property, such as:

Frame 1103-7

Lost sales

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Rental income

Frame 1103-9

Additional loan interest

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Real estate taxes

This financial support can be crucial in keeping a building project afloat and ensuring timely completion despite unexpected obstacles.

Builders risk insurance policies often include extensions for building materials used at the job site, such as:

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Frame 1103-12

Construction forms

Frame 1103-13

Temporary structures

Frame 1103-14

Debris removal

Frame 1103-15

Pollutant cleanup

These extensions provide comprehensive coverage for all aspects of the construction process. Working with an experienced agent or broker ensures that the policy addresses the unique risks of each construction project, maximizing the benefits for contractors.

Builders Risk Insurance vs. General Liability Insurance

Although builders risk insurance and general liability insurance have different roles, they are both indispensable for all-encompassing risk management in construction. Builders risk insurance, known as first-party insurance, protects the general contractor’s own building during construction. It covers damages to the project itself, ensuring that the contractor’s investment is safeguarded.

On the other hand, general liability insurance, known as third-party insurance, covers costs associated with third-party injuries or property damage caused by contractors. This includes:

  • Medical bills
  • Settlements
  • Legal fees
  • Repairs or replacements

General liability insurance is required by law in most states, including Oregon, making it a mandatory part of a contractor’s risk management strategy.

While builders risk insurance protects the construction project, general liability insurance protects the contractor from financial losses resulting from accidents or injuries that occur on the job. Both types of insurance are crucial, providing a comprehensive safety net for contractors and their projects.

ACORD Certificates and Proof of Insurance

An ACORD certificate serves as an essential proof of insurance for contractors, detailing information about the coverage type and amount, effective dates, and insured parties. This certificate is essential for demonstrating that you have the necessary coverage in place to protect your construction projects.

Oregon contractors are able to obtain an ACORD certificate by getting in touch with their insurance provider and asking for a copy. This certificate is used to provide evidence of insurance coverage to clients or other parties. Keeping this document up to date is crucial, as it may need to be presented to clients or other business partners at any time. An up-to-date ACORD certificate ensures that you can quickly prove your coverage when needed, maintaining trust and confidence with your clients.

Please take 10 minutes to read our E-Book. It was written with 25 years experience selling Builders Risk for YOU.

You are insuring a big investment and we want you to know more about what you are buying!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does builders risk insurance cover?
How is the cost of builders risk insurance determined?
Can I customize my builders risk policy?
What are common exclusions in builders risk policies?
How do I obtain an ACORD certificate in Oregon?